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A lot of games are based on warriors or not so strong character types becoming great warriors. Most of the time, they are as deadly as they are beautiful and they vary from noble soldiers with shiny armor to bare skinned barbarians with clunky weapons. Each of these beautiful digital paintings show their own story about a type or warrior and what they have been trough.

In the comments below, let me know what your favorite type of warrior is and why.

Conan by Kerem Beyit
Elven Concept by Lithriel
Warrior by Serenity220
Practice by Puzzle Lee
Grey Heron by Jennifer Wuestling
Juar-Estevan de la Montegerat, captain of the Cábalas de Libre Pensamiento
General Atodaho by Alexander Ovchinnikov
Game illustration by Leejeeh
King Arthur
Quest by Hokunin
Demon Hunter by Crow-god
Skyrim - Nightingale by justduet
The Warrior by Carlos Garijo
Commander Kalífima Ukuchatari / Silent Forest by aditya777

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